Friday, October 13, 2006

ok ...... go!

right so i am a saddo but i love it ...... you tube rocks!!!
so i had been finding cool videos on itone night for my friend sam who is a teacher and came accross some cool ones but i saw the best music video ever made. try this link
it is this band called OK GO and they rock. but beyond that video and by far the funniest thing i have ever witnessed is the Look Around You serise on you tube. seriously i beg you to watch it. try music on first which is this link:
the forbiden notes bit is hillarious, try maths after that, then whatever you want.
new Zealand is sweet as and i am starting to sound new Zealandy, i say "real" a lot and sometimes go up at the end of sentances even if it is not a question.
i just droped claire Mckinlay off at the bus station in hamilton to get on the "magic bus" to go off on her travels but for now i must go to school (so i can teach bible)

God Bless

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