Monday, October 09, 2006

A Good Mid Term

Ok so turns out that the terms are different over here (if you did not know that now you do) where they start the school year at the end of the Christmas holidays, which happen to also be the summer holidays (please tell me if that does not sound weird to you). So that means we are now in the 4th term of the school year and have just had the break between 3rd and 4th terms (mid term). In those 2 weeks I spent a week on a Scripture Union Camp but I already told you about that so that’s cool but also half a week with Andy Banks, who is the SU Schools director I think… not too sure.
Andy works in Auckland (the big city north of Hamilton) in the Scripture Union Offices. For the time I was there we basically chatted through all the administration stuff and talked a lot about SU camps. It was pretty cool because he’s from England and had a really funny sense of humor that could only be British. We watched Peter Kay and did some things around Auckland. We went up this hill called “one tree hill” but the ‘one tree’ was chopped down by some activist so now it is really “the hill formally know as: one tree hill”. From the top we got an awesome view of Auckland, it is massive, like mega huge. It just sprawls out as far as the eye can see, but it only has like a handful of skyscrapers in the center of town, with the sky tower in the middle.
Apart from that I really did not do too much for the first part of the second week. I did go to the warehouse, which is like a massive shop that is a bit like Argos (it has everything) but bigger and without the annoying ordering system. So I bought some shorts there. Now I am just getting back into he way of life when the schools are back. Hope everyone is well back home.

God Bless

P.S someone asked how different the churches are here, well they are pretty similar but there are loads of churches about that have really lively worship. Really, really lively worship and not too much real teaching.


bob said...

Woot. Looks like your having fun.

Gillian Wildgoose said...

Go to this Andy:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that.