Ok people of the world, new information on the inner workings of the youth group I am part of – chapel hill, radiator youth.
So the youth group I help out at and am part of is awesome and has some really awesome people at it. it has about 20 regular attendees and 30 on a Saturday night. It runs a bible study type thing on a Sunday night instead of an evening service and it has Saturday night fun activity. Sunday also includes dinner, which is awesome. The Saturday just past I ran a Scottish night with highland games and haggis and irn-bru!!! We tossed the cabers, had a strong man event and even a battle or Culloden but the week before that we did something more fun than being Scottish… almost.
So basically the activity couch steal is about a team of people, like 5 or 6, getting a couch from one point to another by carrying it. Sounds easy, well then there are ‘spotters’ in cars and on bikes going around the area and if they see you with your couch and you are not sitting on it then they take one of your 10 lives away. Oh but there’s more, the distance we took ours was like 3km and we had a 4 person couch and 6 of us with 4 girls 2 guys. Furthermore (nice conjunction word) on the way back to the point (the church) we had to collect or buy stuff with the money we had paid at the start, which included; supper for the team, something with the Waikato colours on it (red, black and yellow – McDonalds box), a rugby shirt or ball (I was wearing my Scotland top), a pair of baby socks or gloves, a can of food for an offering, a raw egg… and so on. Each team got points for each item retrieved and points for being first or second or third back. All in all it was awesome fun and we basically had a ball carrying a couch around for 2 hours. Anyway now I must go and do some real work as much as I would like to say this is work it is not. So good day to you all.
God bless
ok random commenting on my blog, oh well, people just give me money in street i am so cool ... not
everything seems to be more extreme in new zealand! makes the sofa game we all used to play seem a bit lame. Glad you're doing well andrew thomas wildgoose..aha! it's stuck.
ps- I seem to have made my own blog by accident..wasnt really paying attention to what i was doing. oops! dont think i'll write in it though
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