I have had to do quite a lot of shopping because I need new clothes and some other stuff and one of the other things I needed was a new small suitcase (the whole terrorism thing is annoying) and I have never known anything to be so complicated: wheels or not, straps or not, hard or soft, handle or strap… the list was endless of things they had on them. But what was more the price of them in Jenners anyway was ridiculous!!! Tiny little bags that I am sure would only be good for like a lunch box were about £150, we promptly left after finding out the price range.
On the socialising front I have just been trying to see most people before I go so I can say proper good byes. I went to the pub quiz on Sunday but alas we lost because of a stupid movies round … who does know the 3 mad max films names? So for like the 6th week running I have not won, I am starting to think it’s something to do with me.
For now I think that’s all I have time for but hope that you’re all well.
God Bless